What is «European Waste Reduction Week»?


This event aims to remind the daily right gesture to do, in particular by promoting waste reduction; by extending the life of products and recycling properly to limit our environmental footprint.


Focused on these three aspects, Caroline F., S2E manager & Christophe G., workshop cleaner, wants to increase employees awareness in order to reduce the rate of nonrecyclable waste. «Each year the recycling instructions change. necessary to set up regular training, explains Caroline F., because of the covid-19 we had to find an alternative solution in order to avoid gatherings. An «action training» was set up.


«The employee being an actor, sorted his waste and discussed with us on the issues». Explains Christophe G. «It was also an opportunity to receive suggestions that could be put in place very quickly, particularly through the addition of bins for wood chips & the increase in the size of the yellow bins». At the same time, each department tries to reduce waste in its own way:


  • This is the case of the logistics department, which has plans to reduce some packaging that is much too large.
  • Marc Gaulard made available unused material and bindersin order to extend the life of the products.
  • The metrology department offered the employees some unusable marble.
  • Wooden pallets were offered to the local association «newcat» specializing in reuse.
  •  Christophe G., for his part, contributes to the reduction of non-recyclable waste by recovering the anti-humidity bags in the dumpsters and returning them to the earth.


Small gestures, but which make the difference!