STREIT Groupe welcomes the FIMA !
As part of the State-Region plan for the automotive industry, we had the honor of hosting the FIMA committee (The Automobile Change Intervention Force) on our STREIT Mécanique plant !
Industry week 2021!
This enriching week was the opportunity for us to open the doors of our production plant and our Technical Center with the aim to present the professions of the future!
STREIT Group awarded by «the Automobile Industry Modernization Fund»
STREIT Group winner of the «Automobile Industry Modernization Fund» through its French entity STREIT Mécanique!
Waste sorting training !
STREIT Groupe attaches particular importance to reducing its ecological footprint. This is why the European Week for Waste Reduction is an opportunity to highlights all the actions put in place in recent months for the waste prevention and sorting!
The World Day for Safety and Health at Work
STREIT Groupe is really attached to the safety and health of its employees! That’s why, we are constantly thinking about improving everyone’s daily life.
Team building for STREIT Nova!
What could be better than a team building event to strengthen the bonds between colleagues? This is the challenge that STREIT Nova has taken up, mobilising some twenty people, from the team leader to the operator, to the employees in the offices…
The STREIT Groupe internet site has been completely redesigned in order to strengthen our presence on the web.